The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
MAY 2017
in the University Hills West Shopping Center at
2553 South Colorado Blvd Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222
in this issue
by Tim Johnson
by Bruce Johnson
Encore Publication: This article was first published in the November 2011 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.
Chapter 9 in the biblical Book of Acts recounts Saul’s journey to Damascus and his experience of having a light from heaven suddenly flash around him. Following this vision of inner light, Saul was transformed into Paul, scales fell from his eyes, and he was converted from a hostile skeptic into a devoted follower of Jesus. The books of Matthew and Luke both refer to lightning from the East as a sign indicating the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Like ancient mythology, these allegories show lightning as a symbol of Divine Power that brings a spiritual enlightenment to the recipient. The Tower card of the tarot includes the same “bolt out of the blue” symbolism, its lightning bolt signifying the jolt of Uranian energy from the Soul.
Lighting represents the sudden and unexpected descent of Divine Light that activates a spiritual rebirth in the one who experiences it. Many ancient gods and divine beings were specifically linked to lightning. The Hindu gods Vishnu and Indra revealed themselves physically in the form of a lightning bolt. The Book of Enoch describes the prophet Enoch receiving the secrets of lightning and thunder in a vision. The Greek Titan Prometheus revealed the art of bringing down lightning from the sky to ancient humanity. The Norse God Thor, like Tupan of South America, were gods of lightning and thunder, and both appeared as bolts of lightning which could be creative or destructive toward mortals.
Knowledge of physical lightning as atmospheric electricity was taught in the ancient mystery schools of India, Egypt, and Persia. Lightning rods were commonly used to protect temples and buildings from destructive lightning strikes. The white bryony vine was used by Etruscan priests to avert lightning strikes, combining their knowledge of botany with the laws of electricity.
The belief in amulets that provided safety from lightning strikes was widespread in ancient times. Hyacinth or zircon, nephrite jade, and certain red-colored stones containing astrological and other symbols were shaped into protection amulets. Magnetite was a lightning attractor in some legends, and believers never carried one during a storm.
Unlike spiritual lightning that brings illumination, physical lightning can be very destructive, and you will want more protection than a lightning amulet can provide. The National Lightning Safety Institute at 891 N. Hoover Ave. in Louisville, Colorado is a great source for lightning safety information.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Mario C. Veo
Classical Numerology [a.k.a. Chaldean Numerology] is the original mystical teachings of the Magi of the Orient. As such it brings a deeper understanding of the true essence of who you are, of the upcoming events in your life, and offers guidance not only in real, practical terms, but also for your Spiritual Evolution.
Chaldean Numerology is accurate and easy to learn, with clear and direct answers. It gives you a great insight on your gifts and abilities, and what you need in Life to make you happy … as well as the challenges – seen and unseen – you will be facing. It describes, in a very straight-forward manner, the Energies you were born with, and when these Patterns will re-align for you … giving you a clear insight on the influence of your name, your address, even the career and city you are in … [and simply by changing or adding to them you can promote a better quality to your Life] It shows you which new Energies are coming into play – not only for you directly, but also for those around you – and how these will impact your Life … it empowers you to make better decisions.
We are offering a 4 week course on Chaldean Numerology, starting May 9th.
We meet at the Shining Lotus on Tuesday evenings from 6.30 to 8.00 pm.
Cost per session $ 25 at the door; or $ 90 pre-paid. To register call 303.758.9113.
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.
by Sally Shotwell
The month of May begins with the Sun (our consciousness) in earthy, fertile Taurus whose ruling planet is Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Money. Traditionally this time of year was filled with celebrations taking place throughout the Northern Hemisphere expressing gratitude for the bounty of Spring. From ancient times to now the spirit of this time of captivates us and even the Communists designated May Day as International Workers’ Day. We don’t have to make elaborate preparations but let’s figure out a way to experience the pleasure this season affords us.
- Are we arranging time to walk in the grass barefoot or sit at a sidewalk cafe and have a glass of wine?
- Let’s pursue whatever soothes us.
Shoring up our energy is helpful since this month is jam packed with intense, creative astrological influences which help familiarize us with our true feelings and beliefs. This, of course, means we need to recycle or discard the conditioned material we’ve been carrying around and is still lurking beneath the surface of our awareness. Major players in this venture are individualistic Uranus in fiery Aries and mature Saturn in fiery, belief-oriented Sagittarius who are teaming up to help us blend innovation with practicality as we are exposed to new, unexpected developments in our environment. Mental Mercury, also in Aries, assists us to assimilate intellectually and take advantage of what’s been revealed to us. He turns Direct May 3 and doesn’t enter placid Taurus until May 15 – during this period it is best that we keep in mind the retrograde mantra, “review, reconsider and take care in all communications”
We know that when planets are going backward they give us the opportunity to go within to dwell on the issues which fall within their domain. For the entire month we have several heavy planets either retrograde or standing still in one position, creating intensity to their influences. Expansive Jupiter (Rx) is in airy, relationship-oriented Libra, Father Time Saturn (Rx) is in fiery, freedom-loving Sagittarius, transformative Pluto (Rx) in earthy, ambitious Capricorn, compassionate Neptune in watery, otherworldly Pisces and authentic Uranus in fiery Aries are not moving on until a later date. Let’s ground ourselves and tap into the aid they offer us as we continue on our journey to self-awareness.
- Are we allowing ourselves to become more flexible in accepting the tremendous changes we constantly face?
- Are we checking out new ways to reassure ourselves through heart-centered communication with others?
May 9 the Sun enjoys consulting with Pluto who introduces regenerative information he dug up while excavating for treasure in the Underworld. Incorporating this prepares us for the challenge presented by the May 10 Full Moon (culmination) in watery, transformative Scorpio. This annual moon represents the Buddha’s birthday to millions of believers around the world and the Sabian Symbol states; “Obeying his conscience a soldier resists orders: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow authoritarian patterns of an oppressive society.” We may face a conflict between our own values and those imposed upon us, but, with our core intact, social circumstances cannot bind us spiritually.
Mars (our vitality) is in airy, curious Gemini all month and is particularly busy May 11 and 12 when he first challenges dreamy Neptune to disperse our cloudy thoughts before joining forces with Jupiter suggesting educational possibilities. Mercury and Saturn join the act, which gives clout to what we’re considering.
May 19 Venus and Jupiter get on each other’s nerves because right now their emotional priorities are at odds. This is when stepping back from certain interactions may prove wise. We can touch base later.
May 20 the Sun enters Gemini assuming a light, chatty demeanor. This sign is ruled by quixotic Mercury and it’s symbol is The Twins so let’s assume there may be some inconsistency in our thoughts while we’re having fun at the same time!
May 25 the New Moon (new beginnings) in Gemini reflects the mental bent which predominates in our environment. The Symbol states: “A revolutionary magazine asking for action: The explosive tendency of repressed feelings and root emotions.” When we are entrapped by our unexpressed motivations, Dane Rudhyar explains that our deepest desire is “reach beyond established form”, hopefully in a constructive way. That’s why we’re taking such care in delving into our psyche to find our authenticity.
May 30 Mars chums around Uranus, energizing us as we restructure our approach to life and the 31st Mercury and Pluto get into the act, contributing an earthy wisdom to the mix.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend and let’s make sure we embrace Gemini’s sense of fun!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.
by Mario C. Veo
It was a glorious morning in the Ashram … the air filled with the soft murmurs of the devotees as each filed in the Meditation Hall. The air fresh, belying the hot humidity soon to come, yet we were all happy to be here, in this sacred place, surrounded by others of like intent.
Many of us had traveled many long miles in holy pilgrimage, seeking answers so our human struggles may be better understood, or at least looked at through the eyes of Spirit. Here we sat, shoulder to shoulder with our brothers from around the world, here we were all beyond cast or creed, and for once united in our Spiritual quest.
We started the morning rituals of chants and prayer, offering our hearts to Spirit, each seeking that internal release which would open us up to the Spirit Within … Oh, what a glorious sight it was to see so many men gathered in this holy light … Oh, what a joy it was to see so many lifting up their voices as one … even as the day moved on, and the temperature grew hotter, and the humidity soared … but we were happy, not so …?!
And then he walked in [yes, a bit late, but he was here now … and that’s what counts] Tall and slim, with shining golden hair tied up neatly in a long ponytail, walking in with deep assurance, clothed in a pure white punjabi he was a delight to our sore eyes … and many quickly moved aside so he may have his place among us.
And so he sat, and with eyes closed he joined his honeyed voice to ours, making our chants a splendid sound to behold … All went well … at least until the flies came, buzzing around, landing and biting at will, so none of us were spared … and even he, of the golden hair, was not immune … Oh, but with what grace he swatted those pesky pests, and skilled too as he managed to swat many to their afterlife …“Go to your maker” he was heard to say after each successful strike…and so we too enthusiastically took up his chant and these dark harbingers them with renewed ardor … He smiled at us so sweetly, and we all smiled back at our blond-haired brother “Would you like some of my water ?” many offered, and he graciously accepted, even as the flies renewed their attack on his moist lips …
But then the other came in … far too late for good manners to bear.
He was unkempt, wearing only a dhoti as many laborers would … his hair wild, his skin dark, and sweaty as if from a long and hazardous journey. But then so had we all traveled far and wide, and this was no countenance to be accepted in such a holy place … and so many moved away as he went to seek a place … Ha ! as if he belonged in the Hall of Brotherhood … and even with his eyes closed and his mouth turned to prayer, there were many of us who looked at him with disdain and moved closer to our blond brother … never once realizing that the flies circled around this grubby newcomer … but never landed on him …
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.
with Mario C. Veo
Sunday, May 14, 2017. 10:15 – 11:15 am. $10.
There is much power in Sex and Sexuality – it makes you more magnetic, more vibrant, and even more spiritual … if you are with the right partner.
Equally, it can deplete you of energy, make you dull and boring, and practically drown you in yucky, sticky, nasty energies … if you are with the wrong partner.
So – how do you know which is which …? Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.
with C. A. Brooks
Sunday, May 21, 2017. 2 – 3pm. FREE PRESENTATION.
If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with C. A. Brooks. C. A. has been a student of astrology for more than 25 years and a professional astrologer for over 2 decades. She has studied Tarot, Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Animal Communication. Join C. A. and friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead, and you may even get a personal Tarot mini-reading. Don’t miss this class. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
C. A. Brooks has been a student of astrology for 25 years and a professional Astrologer for more than two decades. Her astrological experience was started by a series of classes from Colorado’s leading astrology expert, Gayle Bachicha in the 1980′s at the Metaphysical Bookstore. In addition to astrology, her training includes Instinctive Feng Shui, Space and Clutter Clearing, Voyager Tarot, and Animal Communications, working closely with animal communicator, Joan Ranquet.
C. A. is certified as a Soul Coach by Denise Linn. She is also a popular advisor on 12Listen, an instructor on 12Academy, writer of the “Week Ahead” column for “Mark’s Power Peek” at 12House, and host of the number one rated weekly radio program, “Simple Tales™: Where Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy Rocks” on 12Radio.
with Mark Mezadourian
Monday, May 22, 2017. 7 – 9 pm. $25.
What are angels like? What do they do? Our beliefs about angels tend to ascribe human qualities to them. We often fear that we don’t deserve their love because of events in our past. Our language involves them coming and going as they focus on something “more important”. Yet, angels are angels, not human. They are constantly with each of us and love us unconditionally, no matter what. We can best receive the angel’s loving support when we employ our free will to welcome it. This workshop is designed to shift our experience with angels from a concept to an intimate encounter. We will do this by first clearing with Archangel Michael, followed by connecting with different angels, such as Ariel and Gabriel. The result is freedom, lightness, confidence and expansion.
Mark Mezadourian is an intuitive specializing in connecting with angels and guides. Accessing spirituality with heart-centered practicality is the goal of his work. He created the nine week DailyOM course Angelic Infusions: Live the Truth of Who You Are and the Attract Your Divine Partner online course. Mark offers private Intuitive Readings, workshops, weekly groups available online or by phone. Readings and events all focus on making our world bigger.
with Kendara Laurel
Sunday, May 28, 2017. 2 – 3 pm. FREE PRESENTATION.
True Success is the Spice of LifeKendara Katey Laurel has been involved in metaphysics for over 35 years. Her readings are empowering and helpful. She is a practicing and teaching intuitive, psychic, clairaudient(intuitive hearing), clairvoyant(intuitive seeing), and Tarot reader. Kendara is also ordained in the Spiritualist Religion.
Her studies have included extensive classes in psychic development and attending various spiritual and metaphysically based churches. In 1985, she moved to Denver, where she continues her studies today. Kendara also teaches classes in Meditation, I Ching, Intuitive Tarot, Healing and Psychic Development. She believes everyone is psychic, and loves helping them discover and learn to use their gifts. Kendara also runs the ‘Denver Introduction to Metaphysics Meet-Up’, which has over 1900 members and invites experts to speak on various areas of metaphysics.