The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
June 2012
2178 South Colorado Blvd, Denver Colorado 80222
in this issue
by Marci McCaffery
GEMINI the Twins
Gemini is the sign of duality, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. It is both the magician and the trickster because there is magic in Mercury’s words. Through language we communicate with one another. We invent, build and change minds, to reshape our world. The thought process of Gemini is inquisitive, diverse, and alive in the world of ideas. Noted for its wit and versatility, this sign thrives on sociable charm, adaptability, new experiences and change. Freedom of movement and life-style is a treasured value for the Gemini soul. The nervous system is highly charged, until the mind is under control.
Several important events highlight this month, shifting us back to the intense energies of the past couple of years. Eclipses generally bring tension, chaos and transformation. This month’s Solar eclipse is an extra-powerful New Moon. Major endings and new beginnings mark a key point of change. The effects can last for the next six months to a year. The Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Gemini on May 20th is described by the Sabian symbols as the image of a glass-bottomed boat, revealing undersea wonder. This implies that higher-dimensional realities are more accessible to us now.
The Solar eclipse occurs just sixteen days before the rare Venus transit on June 5th. Venus crosses completely in front of the Sun, blocking it from view. This is a special type of conjunction known as the Venus Occultation or the Emergence of the Divine Feminine, (the rise in feminine power) an occurrence that only happens every 121 years, occurring twice, 8 years apart. The last time it happened was on June 8th 2004. It will be important to note the energy we receive from this alignment, both individually and globally. Many are speculating that this represents the beginning of a new paradigm in human consciousness.
Lunar eclipses always indicate our emotional responses for a 6 month to a year period. This Partial Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 14 degrees Sagittarius on June 4th involves a stressful pattern with Mars, the Sun and the Moon, featuring an important turning point. Opportunities to experience emotional healings come through our hearts and our intuition, rather than through the rational mind. It’s time to let go of mental attitudes and beliefs that are keeping us entrapped.
Mystical Neptune slows down and turns retrograde in Pisces from June 4th through November 11th, deepening our ability to accept and surrender to the natural flow of the Universe. Mercury, shifts into intuitive and emotional Cancer on June 7th. Decisions come from the emotions instead of the mind as we become more in touch with our feeling nature. The expansive planet Jupiter, exchanges signs to move into Gemini as we enthusiastically share our knowledge with others. It will remain in Gemini for the rest of the year. Avoid idealistic daydreams when Jupiter squares Neptune on June 25th. If is appears too good to be true…it probably is. Listen between the lines.
A destabilizing conflict between rebellious Uranus and power driven Pluto (June 24 to September 19th) is likely to give way to a series of sudden and disruptive events. We are clearing the collective karma, requiring an ultimate transformation. Our minds, emotions and spiritual strength are likely to be challenged. Our ability to stay grounded and maintain a constant vision of possibility and renewed purpose is essential.
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited Conscious Change coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore.
To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at
For free, valuable resources visit her web site at http://
by Mario C. Veo
A well crafted Visualization offers wonderful opportunities – in this enchanted Trance we talk with Angels and Spirit Guides, travel to other Realms, visit Past Lives… and even walk amongst the Gods. Here we uncover Dimensions that scientists only dream of; and learn how to actively participate with its inhabitants. Such a precious Gift can be very effective in shaping our Life – for personal Transformation, for Healing and Blessing, and for manifesting all our heart’s desires – it follows the Law of Attraction and the concept: “What you perceive you can achieve“.
Yet at times this is not enough, for Visualization is based on the qualities offered by our Emotional Body – the power of this creative journey lies with our Feelings… our response to the images creates a Magnetic Resonance which attracts, or rejects, people and things. It IS a wonderful “Tool”… but it lacks the influence of the Higher Mind – the ability to hold such a powerful Focus that is bends Reality to our Will… sounds too good to be true? Not so!
All ‘miracles’ throughout history rely on one of two abilities: the presence of Spirit, acting through the physical Form; or the action of a focused Mind, molding cells and atoms to its Will. This ‘Focused Mind’ has one great advantage over Visualization: it can create permanent changes, quickly and effectively – we call these “Thought Forms“. Thought Forms are pure crystallized Energies – they can create Invincible Shields (I’ve heard of cases where they stopped bullets), they can ‘veil’ you so you appear invisible, they allow you the gift of Higher Healing, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, whatever you wish. The Higher Mind opens the doors to Higher Consciousness so you may achieve Soul Fusion (where the Personality becomes infused by the Soul)…such wonderful Gifts, if only we are ready to accept ourselves as Higher Beings.
For those of you who wish to explore the opportunities offered by your own Higher Mind, I have created new upcoming workshops: Divine Light (June 5th); Creating the Heart Temple (June 12th); Clairvoyance (June 19th); and Telepathy (June 26th)… hope to see you there.
Mario C. Veo is a Spiritual Counselor and a Practitioner of Esoteric Arts. He teaches classes and offers personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the bookstore, or you can reach him at 303.380.7336.
P.S. Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain is a very valuable and inspirational resource that has led thousands to the fulfillment of their desires through the art of Mental Energy and Affirmation. It is usually available in the used book room at the Shining Lotus, but also still in print and available for $12.95 if you want a new copy.
Get what you want with what you already have!
Mondays, June 18, 25 and July 2. 7 – 9pm. $20 per class or $50 series.
We all have those areas of our lives where we wish to make a change. We may think to ourselves if only we could be freer in our relationships, live in greater prosperity, feel alive and vibrant in our bodies. What if there were practical, time-tested tools that could shift the very energy of that relationship, situation or feeling you want so much to transform? Would you be curious to find out more? Sai Maa, a spiritual luminary and master of transformation, offers a variety of teachings and methods that have transformed the lives of thousands of people. Join Sai Maa’s Light Master Teachers, who are trained and empowered by Sai Maa, to experience these practices for yourself!
This month, the Light Master Teachers will be offering three classes – Transform Your Relationships, Realize Abundance and Energize Your Health – that teach simple, powerful practices to access your own essence of light energy to create the life that you want. The classes are fun, engaging and inspiring and everyone is invited to attend!
Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Pre-register at or pay at the door.
by Bruce Johnson
Orthodox science describes our Sun as a ball of gas surrounded by an atmosphere, with nuclear fusion taking place at its center producing energy. Occultism views our physical sun as a gigantic atom, a storehouse of electro-magnetic forces which veils an invisible sun that is the true source of the Sun’s power. Like all physical things, the Sun has an etheric body that underlies its tangible form. Where traditional science sees a photosphere, chromosphere, and corona, esoteric science observes a magnetic aura of varying intensities that fluctuates in regular cycles. These cycles of 22.6 years correspond to the heartbeat of our life-giving sun, and cause the increase and decrease of sunspots.
Sunspots are usually found in pairs, with one positively charged and other negatively charged. The magnetic polarity of these spots is reversed every 11.3 years with the polarity change of the Sun’s North and South Poles. During periods of magnetic inertia, these spots or vortices become invisible and seem to disappear, followed by peaks of magnetic activity and increased numbers of sunspots. Sunspots are often found in clusters, and can last from a few days to several months, with the largest spots reaching sizes many times that of the Pacific Ocean.
The spiritual and physical effects that sunspots have on humans and planet Earth are only beginning to be understood. Physical science knows that sunspots affect the Earth’s magnetosphere, and that ultraviolet radiation increases at the peak of out the sunspot cycle. Trees and plants are definitely affected by these cycles, along with our planet’s weather patterns, the proportion of sunny to cloudy days, and the temperature of the Earth’s surface.
A study of sunspot cycles will eventually show a relationship to epidemics, economic cycles, floods and earthquakes, crime, and negative stimulation of the human nervous system. The Edgar Cayce readings teach that sunspots represent the chaos and strife of humanity on Earth, reflected on the surface of the Sun above. The esoteric nature of the solar forces can be studied in The Sun Tarot card.
Edgar Cayce’s book -Astrology for the Soul, has some interesting views concerning celestial phenomena. The Denver Astronomical Society is a good source of information for local star-gazers.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Margaret Ann Lembo
We all have an opportunity to change our consciousness and create our reality every single day. How can we enable ourselves to deliberately create our reality? First, we must shift our vibrational field. We can create circumstances to help shake up our energy so we can change. When we consciously create circumstances, we have a smoother, happier life.
What are some of the ways to shift our vibration? There are a variety of ways to shift our vibration in order to be a vibrational match for what it is we want to create in our lives. Let me count the ways:
1. Clear out negative thoughts. Pay attention to the negative self-talk and then immediately replace it with a positive thought.
2. Decide what you want to create and think about what you want as often as possible. List every detail associated with the creation of the reality you wish to bring to fruition.
3. Take time to imagine life with that manifestation already in existence. If you can imagine, dream, visualize and feel a strong desire for it, it will be yours!
4. Carry gemstones or crystals with you. Put your intention into it by deciding that every time you touch, look or think of it, your focus will bring you another step closer to creating your new reality.
5. We may talk directly with God/Goddess or ask our Angels or Spiritual Guides to help us manifest what we want to see, feel, be, or create.
6. Attend a drumming circle, crystal bowl session or any session that would shake up your molecular structure. Sound and vibration creates, transforms and transmutes energy.
7. Take action in your life that is in alignment with making your desire a concrete reality.
8. Move into a space of allowing. Opening the heart to the Divine is an important factor in manifesting and creating reality. Focus on love and all good things follow.
9. Maintain a sense of gratitude. Be thankful for the many blessings that you already have in your life. Give thanks for the blessing in advance. Send blessings ahead to the new reality to meet you there in that not too distant future!
May we all remember and integrate the powers of magical manifestation that we possess. May we remember that we are creators of our own reality. May we create our world of Love, Peace, Kindness and Compassion.
INTENTIONAL CREATION OF REALITY with Margaret Ann Lembo. Thursday, June 21, 2012. 7pm – 9pm. $20.
Come change your consciousness. Enable yourself to deliberately create your reality by shifting your vibrational field. Our thoughts create our reality so let’s change our minds and change our lives. Understand the principles of Vibration Matching and the Laws of Attraction. Create wealth, your soul mate, your unborn child, a different career, new friends . . . whatever your heart desires can be yours. Experience a guided meditation to integrate the new reality. Bring a journal, a pencil, pen, bottle of water and a sweater.
Margaret Ann Lembo (Boynton Beach, FL) is a spiritual practitioner and owner of The Crystal Garden, a spiritual center and gift shop. Margaret Ann has trained hundreds of Crystal Healers. She is an aromatherapist and is well-known for her award winning Smudge in Spray and Archangel Raphael Spray. She is also the author and creator of Chakra Awakening and the Angel Gemstone Oracle Cards. For more than twenty years, she has led workshops and classes around the country. Her audio CDs (guided meditations and more) are distributed nationally. Visit her online at
Sound Healing with Paradiso & Rasamayi
a Channeled Sound Experience Prescribed by Your Soul and Guides.
Friday, June 29, 2012. 7pm – 9pm. $20.
Enjoy the spiritual soundfield which has helped thousands to heal themselves on all levels, embody their soul purpose, connect directly to their Guides and more. Experience King, the world’s largest quartz crystal didjeridoo; the spectacular gem- and mineral infused Alchemy crystal singing bowls; the crystal-encrusted agave kundalini didj and more! Paradiso (didjeridoo) and Rasamayi (chanting and singing bowls) are internationally renowned sound healers whose bestselling, critically acclaimed collaborative debut “3rd Eye Rising” has been in the top 5 of the international New Age Radio charts. Paradiso has played at Carnegie Hall and has four other best-selling and award-winning healing CDs. 7 pm; $20 at the door
Paradiso is a master didjeridoo artist with his own CD label and 5 bestselling, award-winning, and international New Age Radio chart-topping healing CDs. He has been billed alongside metaphysical and musical luminaries including Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donale Walsch, Steven Halpern, Kai Eckhardt, Eddie Gale and many more. Rasamayi is a Singing Bowl Master Alchemist and a full-body channel for the many manifestations of Divine Mother.
New Mexico artists Linda Love and Chris Bachicha have been creating beautiful objects for several years and are now offering these exquisite pieces through the Shining Lotus. Linda Love, an accomplished fine artist has produced many oil, acrylic, watercolor and multi-media pieces in the past and has contributed many mural masterpieces to spaces around the Albuquerque area. As a talented musician and professional artist, Chris Bachicha has been working with multi-media most of his life as well as oils, acrylics, watercolors, and stained glass.
THE RED WARRIOR multi-media mask. Measures 17″ high and 15″ wide. The mask is painted in a war paint style used most commonly by the Assiniboine tribe of northern Montana and southern Canada. Symbolizing the warrior spirit in all of us, the Red Warrior would be a powerful inspiration to live purposefully and authentically. This is a very high quality multi-media piece using leather, faux fur and stained glass. $300
THE HUMMINGBIRD A wonderful multi-media depiction of a symbol of peace, love and happiness. Measures 8″ high and 5″ wide. Called “new world birds”, they are native to North, Central and South Americas. Ancient pagans held them sacred for their tireless energy. In Native American culture, they symbolize timeless joy and the Nectar of Life. Hang this piece in your home to remind yourself that your goals can be accomplished and you can find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances. $50
THE GREENMAN multi-media mask. Measures 17″ high and 14″ wide. This beautiful Greenman Mask is painted in shades of greens, yellows and browns with shiny, brightly jeweled eyes. Found in many cultures around the world, the Green Man is often related to natural vegetative, forest or nature deities springing up in different cultures throughout the ages. Primarily it is interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or “renaissance”, representing the cycle of growth each spring. Some speculate that the mythology of the Green Man developed independently in the traditions of separate ancient cultures and evolved into the wide variety of examples found throughout history. $300
AUTUMN multi-media mask. Measures 12″ high and 14″ wide. This beautiful Autumn Green Man mask is painted in shades of browns, yellows, and oranges with shiny, brightly jeweled eyes. The Autumn Green Man is related to nature deities and spirits, and primarily interpreted as a symbol of strength, or “wisdom”, representing the cycles of the seasons of the Mother Earth. Autumn is also considered to be the preferred season of the Hindu goddess of learning and creativity, Saraswati, who is also known as the “Goddess of Autumn”. $200
AJNABUDA multi-media mask. Measures 12″ high and 10″ wide. A very peaceful and beautiful depiction of the Buddha in a multi-media art piece. Adorned with a glass jewel at the Third Eye (Ajna) and Swarovsky crystals and magnetic hematite, this mask would be a grounding focal point (lakshya) in your meditation room or yoga studio. Usually, when one meditates, a lakshya is chosen on which to concentrate the energy (prana) and attention. $200