in this issue

KAEDRICH OLSEN: Author of Runes For Transformation

MARIA WEBER: Author of I’ll Be There To Write The Story

MARCI McCAFFERY: October Astrological Update

CARYN COLGAN: Your Miracle Mind Workshop



Author of Runes For Transformation


Saturday, October 9 at 2 pm, FREE EVENT

Meet Kaedrich Olsen, author of RUNES FOR TRANSFORMATION: Using Ancient Symbols to Change Your Life. The runes can help you achieve any goal you desire – increase creativity, improve health or achieve financial success. There are no limits to what you can achieve.

Kaedrich Olsen is known for his work with runes. His teachings have helped many people change their lives. People from America to Europe and even Asia have had their lives touched by Kaedrich’s wisdom.

Now, Kaedrich brings his powerful, life changing techniques to you.

Experience, first hand, the power of the runes.

Runes have long been used as vital tools for transformation. The Norse employed them as tools for communication, and the Vikings would use them as wisdom before embarking on a journey or entering battle. Runic scholar Kaedrich Olsen reclaims the transformative power of the runes for readers today as a key to unlocking our potential for personal growth and our life’s vision. Runes for Transformation is unlike any other rune book on the market, with Olsen’s unique techniques and applications for this ancient alphabet including affirmations, NLP, visualizations, and meditation, as well as the historical background essential to embarking on this path. A highly respected teacher and transpersonal path worker, Kaedrich Olsen posits that the time for this “deeper working” of the runes has come and this will aid readers in both personal and collective evolution. Runes for Transformation is a rich resource and excellent guide for readers to take the steps to change their lives with a boldly modern approach to the ancient runes and for “change that really matters.”

Kaedrich Olsen has studied the runes and Northern mysteries for over 20 years. He also studied spiritually based hypnotherapy and Shamanism in order to become a transpersonal hypnotherapist. Within this practice, he applies runic wisdom to develop powerful techniques his clients use to transform their lives. Kaedrich lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife and two daughters, where he is an accomplished leader in the Nordic spiritual community.



Author of I’ll Be There To Write The Story


Sunday, October 17 at 2pm, FREE EVENT

Meet Maria Weber, author of I’LL BE THERE TO WRITE THE STORY, an exploration into the nature of mother-daughter relationships, a personal healing, and a message from the Other Side that Maria wants the world to hear. Maria included her experiences with local psychic and teacher, Sheryl Watson. Her book will be available for purchase and she will sign books following the lecture.

Maria Weber kept diaries as a child, which she still possesses. She re-read her dairies from junior high though college and used snippets of that information when writing Chapter 1 of I’ll Be There to Write the Story. She also kept the fairy letters from her tenth to thirteenth years. She had her mother’s poetry to draw from as well as some journals. Maria has written journals and daybooks for most of her life. These were the raw materials she used to prod her memory.

Maria finished college with a BA degree in English and Communications. Her most interesting jobs were with the Colorado Outward Bound School, as an administrative assistant, and with the Association for Experiential Education, as its first executive manager. She also worked as a corporate technical writer for ten years and then as a freelance technical writer.

She claims she is a skeptic. Therefore, when she was developing I’ll Be There to Tell the Story and delving into certain areas of spirituality that some people label “woo-woo,” she could put herself in some readers’ shoes and assume they would be as skeptical and as eager for answers as she was. Maria wanted to know “why” and “how” just as intensely as some readers might want to know these things. While she allowed the story to unfold experientially over ten years, she read books about mother-daughter relationships, co-creating with nature, life after death, shamanism, synchronicity, friendship, channeling, healing the body and emotions through writing and art, and automatic/intuitive art. She included some of this information as resource material in the Workbook section of I’ll be There to Tell the Story.

The subject of intuitive drawing obsessed her and still does. Where do the messages come from that move the artist’s hand automatically? She wants to know the answer to that question because it leads to other questions, such as, “Who are we?“ and “What is the subconscious mind?”

Maria has never been a true psychic, although she has some intuitive skills. She has worked sporadically on listening to inner voices and trusting signs, symbols and synchronicity. These are all parts of our sixth sense (beyond sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) that some of us ignore while others desire as though they were the Holy Grail. Maria believes that by not possessing highly developed clairvoyance and clairaudience, she is like most of her readers. She tries to write honestly of her longing for those extrasensory abilities.

Maria’s day-to-day life is taken up with the local writing groups and a pottery business. She helps coordinate writing sessions and seminars for the Chaffee County Writers Exchange, where she has served as past president and mentor. She also coordinates a weekly women’s writing group, The Writer’s Bloc, which has been together for over ten years She is a member of Shavano Poets, who meet monthly in Salida, and of Story Circle Network. And she maintains her own blog at

As a potter since the 1970s, she works with her husband in their home-based pottery business. Their work is displayed and sold in several Colorado galleries.

True to her Libra sun sign, she has attempted to strike a balance between art and writing, business and play, and spirituality and grocery shopping. Sometimes it even works.



October Astrological Update

Venus in Retrograde; Love is in the Air… or is it?

October highlights include Venus retrograde and the recurrence of the triple Venus-Mars conjunction, both in the sign of Scorpio.

As the Sun moves into Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, the energies highlight beauty, harmony, finances, relationships, love and the need for balance. At the beginning of the month, two planets, Mercury and Pluto, are in conflict. Communication is deep, focused and intense. Also highlighted is the second phase of the Venus/Mars triple conjunction, this time in the sign of Scorpio. This marks a dynamic evolution in change and growth and is considered to be “a significant turning point in our emotional life, providing an opportunity to change our values and find a deeper spiritual significance in our individual actions.”

On October 7th, the New Moon in Libra, suggests new beginnings in romance, relationships, legal affairs and start-up business partnerships. Venus, the ruling planet of Libra and co-ruler of Taurus, turns retrograde the following day. This backward journey takes place from October 8th to November 18th. Libra/Taurus issues are up for review regarding love, finances, relationships and true value. Don’t be surprised if old friends and past loves resurface for re-consideration during this time. It’s important to note that the love principle is not easily expressed in the sign of Scorpio and while it is strongly magnetic and passionate, it is also quite reserved. Existing love relationships may be tested as energies intensify. Our awareness is heightened as we re-examine unresolved issues of true worth. We must be authentic with ourselves and others in our response to this question: Does this relationship resonate with my life now or does it belong in the past? This is NOT a time to act on this awareness, as we simply need to trust our inner guidance and the evolution of a higher plan.

Venus retrograde is not a favorable time to set a wedding date. Better to choose a date when Venus is moving forward rather than traveling back over the past. Equally unfavorable is the tendency to schedule beauty procedures, i.e., cosmetic surgery or make luxury purchases that will ultimately render disappointing results. This is an excellent time for creativity, the renewal of wedding vows, remarriage (same partner), and re-negotiating financial situations or legal affairs.

Use the diplomatic influences of Libra for making personal agreements mid-month, but expect slowdowns in negotiations as a result of the retrograde. On October 22nd, the Full Moon in Aries takes place offering an opportunity to take bold steps towards goals set during the New Moon in Virgo last month (September 8th.) The transformative powers of this of this retrograde period will continue to be felt until December 20th, when Venus returns to station in Libra, her ruling sign, and a much more complimentary position.

Marcia McCaffery is a practicing, certified astrological counselor, Reiki Master, spiritual advisor, and a certified life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She is a featured astrology reader at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at 720 272-1042. For free, valuable resources visit her web site at




THE MIRACLE MIND WORKSHOP series with Caryn Colgan.

Do you know how to invite miracles into your life? If positive thinking, vision boards and affirmations haven’t worked, Your Miracle Mind mini-sessions are you! Five 2-hour classes will reveal a miracle blueprint that jumpstarts the flow to more of the good things you deserve. Each class features a creative activity, skill-building exercise and supporting stories; personal or based on scientific research. Take one class or all five.

OCTOBER 6 Session 1: Introduction to Your Miracle Mind.
Begin to build the foundation and learn easy steps to open a clear channel to your creative, intuitive Miracle Mind. Start working on your personal Miracle Blueprint Manual.
OCTOBER 27 Session 2: Uncovering & Handling Internal Subconscious Saboteurs.
Explore practical steps to rewriting the internal programming that interferes with the law of attraction and fruitful intentions. Gain clarity about why you deserve to experience miracles. Continuing miracle students will add to their Miracle Blueprint Manuals.
TO BE SCHEDULED Session 3: Calming the Busy Mind to Make Room for Prosperity, Health and Goodness.
The Miracle Blueprint will show you why it’s important to manage thoughts and how to focus the power of thought for exciting results. Continuing miracle students will add to their Miracle Blueprint Manuals.
TO BE SCHEDULED Session 4: Practice steps from the Miracle Blueprint including a creative visualization. Complete a mind map to open a clear channel to your inner genius and miracle mind. Continuing miracle students will add to their Miracle Manuals.
TO BE SCHEDULED Session 5: The Miracle Blueprint Action Plan.
This session integrates all of the steps of the Miracle Blueprint. Expand in an intuition stimulation activity and start/continue adding to the personal Miracle Blueprint Manual.

Caryn Colgan has been an artist since the crayon days and a public speaker for as long as anyone would listen. She is the author of “Ancient Pact Volume 1: The Element of Air” and “Ancient Pact Spiritual Contemplation Cards”. She facilitates Your Miracle Mind workshops, coaches groups and individuals and creates art to inspire transformational changes.