by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is available for readings by calling 720-962-4633. He will be glad to give you additional insight into how this time period impacts you personally.
We begin the month of June with Mercury going direct in the sign of Taurus on Friday morning, June 3rd. Currently Venus and Uranus are in Taurus and Mars and Jupiter are in Aries. These are indications that the time is right to be proactive about manifesting what we truly want and value.
Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on June 4th. This change of direction may seem like things are taking longer to materialize with respect to our goals and plans. Saturn is in the Libra decan of Aquarius. Libra is a sign of relationship. We may need to re-evaluate the people we need to connect with in order to successfully support us in our future business ventures.
The First Quarter Phase Moon is in Virgo on Tuesday, June 7th. This is a time to be discerning about our priorities with regard to our work, health and service.
Mercury enters Gemini on Monday, June 13th. Clarity in our communication with others is favored.
A Full Moon occurs in Sagittarius on Tuesday, June 14th. Being able to express our ideas in a way that motivates others will be necessary in order to support the success of a shared vision.
The importance of family is highlighted on Father’s Day which occurs on Sunday, June 19th. A Last Quarter Phase Moon in Pisces offers us an opportunity to help people less fortunate than ourselves on Monday, June 20th.
The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on Tuesday, June 21st. This signals the beginning of the Summer season and is known as the Summer Solstice. I will be addressing the significance of this event in a future article.
Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, June 22nd. An authentic exchange of ideas and information will assist us in improving the quality of our personal and professional relationships. Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Tuesday, June 28th. Adequate rest and relaxation will be necessary in order to support our total well-being.
A New Moon in Cancer also occurs on June 28th. New approaches to the areas of home, security and family will become essential. Summer time is the right time to celebrate the experience of family and friends that brings us joy and comfort.