by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is available for readings by calling 720-962-4633. He will be glad to give you additional insight into how this time period impacts you personally.

We begin the month of July with the birthday of our country on Monday, July 4th. Early on Tuesday, July 5th in the Mountain Time Zone Mars will enter Taurus and Mercury will enter Cancer. Taurus and Cancer are both signs that represent emotional and financial security. It would seem to be easier to celebrate your independence when you feel emotionally and financially secure.
The First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Libra on Wednesday, July 6th. Keeping the peace between family members may require cultivating skill in diplomacy.
A Full Moon occurs in Capricorn on Wednesday, July 13th. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and often depicts a need to respect authority and other people’s boundaries. Self-discipline and a desire to be productive can assist us in getting a lot accomplished.

Venus enters Cancer on Sunday, July 17th. Emotional issues related to family members will be in focus for the rest of July and the first two weeks of August.
Mercury enters Leo and Chiron goes retrograde in Aries on Tuesday morning, July 19th. People that are irritated and have something to say will feel compelled to spontaneously express themselves.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon in Aries on Wednesday morning, July 20th could bring situations and emotions to a fiery peak. Things should calm down by Noon, however, as the Moon enters the sign of Taurus.
The Sun enters the sign of Leo on Friday, July 22nd. Our ability to articulate our feelings will likely improve as the Moon enters Gemini late on Friday and forms favorable aspects to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter all day on Saturday, July 23rd.
Positive aspects between the Moon, Chiron and Saturn on Sunday, July 24th should make for an enjoyable weekend experience.
Working through emotional issues with family and loved ones is likely to continue while Venus remains in the sign of Cancer. A New Moon in Leo on Thursday, July 28th signals a time to lighten up and have some fun. Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries also on July 28th. We are advised to keep our sense of humor and learn how to be lovingly assertive. A focus on activities that invite creative self-expression and play are recommended.