© 2018 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter September 2018
by Mario C. Veo
I’ve been fascinated by people – different cultures, deep belief systems, amazing sacrifices and even greater successes… It is true that some people really do have a strong and invincible spirit – so much so that, no matter their challenges, they will always overcome them….
Which led me to think: are they ‘special’ in some form or other… are they ‘blessed’ with gifts and abilities that are superior… do they have some ‘hidden secret to success’… or are they just lucky …? or – I shudder to even consider this – does God like them better than the rest of us… ?
The answer is a resounding NO ! They are just like you and me, no more and no less… just your everyday ‘Human’.
So, why do they succeed when so many others don’t ? Why are they able to overcome even the most challenging situations … and why are they so darn happy !?! [don’t they know that it’s not all just fun and roses… that the whole world has not ever experienced global peace… that it’s a claw-your-way-to-the-top, or be stepped on, dog-eat-dog out there… What is wrong with them… and why are they so darned successful …!!?]
And, after many years of seeking, the answer finally revealed itself – they simply turn within… look at their own Life first , stop getting carried away by all the stupidity and chaos that is far too common in society, AND take care of their own happiness first… [which also includes family and friends].
So – the answer is truly that simple…but has some interesting insights …
We waste far too much time wallowing in gossip, shocked at the stupidity – and brutality – of others; are too often tempted by the lurid details of the latest atrocity, or by the display of ‘righteous indignation’ offered by those with hidden agendas…
Yes, I do realize that it makes for amusing commentaries by late-night talk shows… and yes, it can be quite funny… BUT… is this what you are choosing to give meaning to your Life… all this lower consciousness / manipulation / absurd propaganda / exploitation of your emotional stability… is this what you want your Life to be about …?
Don’t you realize that all this Darkness will rot your brains, and make you a simple puppets in the hands of unscrupulous abusers… and they will tell you – while smiling falsely – that it is all for your own good…
The Spiritual Law is very clear – Whatever you put out comes back to you … [and yes, it is also in the Bible] Your success – or failure – depends purely on your investment of energy… So now you know – you can squander your Life by focusing on all that is shocking and negative … or you can claim – without a doubt – your right to choose what brings value to your Life…
Don’t you know that the more you receive, the more you have to share with those you love… You can choose to share gossip, negativity and corruption… or love, kindness and beauty [and these are the only energies that will help you overcome every challenge you may face… isn’t it worth it …?]
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email PathtoSpirit@gmail.com /
website – www.YourPathtoSpirit.com
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.