by Bob Romero
I have been waiting to experience something metaphysical in order to write another article. What I didn’t notice was that there has been a subtle phenomena happening to me over the past few years. I’ve heard about Clairvoyance, the psychic ability to see, and Clairaudience, the psychic ability to hear, which are very obvious, but I wasn’t aware of the psychic ability to smell, called Clairalience.
I had always assumed that the pleasant fragrances that I smelled were colognes, incenses, or essential oils. A few years ago, after my Reiki session, I complemented my Reiki master on the sweet aroma in her studio, and asked her if she used special oils like Jasmine or Eucalyptus. She replied that there were no oils. She also said that she worked with my angel during my healing session.
Some months later, I discovered that a colleague of mine at work, was a Reiki master, and had been involved with spiritual healing since he was in high school. We met one day at a park for lunch to discuss our experiences. He was trying a different healing technique on me, and what I thought was the scent of his cologne, was a really strong aroma. It was similar to what I smelled at my Reiki session. When I mentioned it to him, he said that he wasn’t wearing any cologne. The smell stayed with me even when I got in the car.
A couple of years later, when I attended classes at the Shining Lotus, I didn’t give any attention to the sweet scents that I smelled as I thought that they were from smudge sticks or incense in the store. Then recently, when I was in a Channeling class, I was in the back of the class, and I smelled a very sweet aroma that was different. Again I thought that someone at the store had lit a smudge stick or incense.
The following week, when I attended the follow-up class on predictions for 2019, I smelled the same scent, but this time I recognized it. Our teacher had given us smudge sticks from a sacred Indian ashram of Sai Baba. He had also given some to the store. So this time I asked the owner if he had lit the smudge stick during our class. He said “No” and had not lit any sticks, sage, or incense that morning. I was somewhat baffled, as the scent was very very strong.
I then began doing research on clairalience, and thought maybe that’s what has been happening to me. I’ve always had a strong sense of smell and so maybe this is a gift that’s been given to me. At the next Channeling class I was eager to see if it would happen again. Unfortunately, I didn’t smell anything. I figured that I needed to be still and centered, and not be so anxious. Amazingly as I wrote this article, I have noticed a faint whiff of the scents that I mentioned earlier. So maybe all this time that I have been searching for a psychic ability, it’s always been right under my nose.