by Bob Romero —
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

There were two recent stories that resonated with me. One was on the TV news about a husband with a wife in memory care. He had to visit her every day from outside her window because of COVID-19. He finally got to see her in person when the restrictions were lifted. You could see the glee in his eyes when he finally saw her even though he didn’t know if she would recognize him. He started singing some songs that were their favorites and she sang along with him. They had had a long happy marriage until she developed Alzheimer’s. But now he is ecstatic that he finally got to be with her.
The next one was about a member in my golfing league that some golfing buddies told me about. He is a kind elderly man who sometimes will have the highest score in the field, but he is well respected and well-liked by everyone. A fellow golfer informed me that this gentle man had an invalid wife that he took care of night and day. Mondays were his only day off so that he could play golf. We never hear him complain about his situation.

The reason that these two stories resonated with me is because two of my siblings have had to care for their spouses with severe dementia for several years. It has been heartbreaking to see these once vibrant loved ones succumb to this terrible disease. They have passed away, bringing both sorrow and relief. I can only imagine how difficult it has been taking care of them. The sacrifices that were made are comparable to ones that saints have made. My sister and brother somehow endured with this heavy burden one day at a time, with the stress taking a toll on their health. And even through this tough time, their attitude has remained positive. Seeing their resilience gives me strength to take on any challenging situation in my own life.
Those who care for others in this way, do so, not just because it is the right thing to do, or just as service to others. They do so, because of an eternal bond of love that was established during much happier times. It’s a bond that raises the vibration of both the caretakers and their loved ones to a very high level and causes the radiance of both to shine brightly in the eyes of Spirit. Thus, the survivors carry the energy of their loved ones with them, and so while the departed are missed, their energy remains present. If you could see their auras, I’m sure that they are a beautiful glowing color that reflects more than one individual. Even through there were some sad periods, there were many more joyful times, and I have been fortunate to have had all of these people in my sacred circle to help me on my spiritual path.