2012 Karma Cash™

Every year from December 1 until February 28, Shining Lotus™ offers it’s customers a fabulous deal with Karma Cash™. Spend $10 and get $1 back! With Karma Cash™, we will give you a $1 coupon for every $10 you spend from now until the end of February 2010. That means you spend $50, you get…


12/12/12 Psychic Fair

© 2012 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter December 2012 12 / 12 / 12 PSYCHIC FAIR – ALL DAY LONG Wednesday, December 12, 2012 – 10am to 6pm $1 a minute Psychic or Tarot Card Readings $1 a minute Chair Massage or Foot Reflexology Every item in the store is 12.12%…


Unconditional Love Cards

by Jody Schmidt This easy-to-use deck of 35 inspirational cards serves as a wonderful tool in providing personal transformation and insights into the secrets of living an inspired existence. Influenced by our canine companions, principles such as thriving naturally as social creatures, loving unconditionally, prevailing in the present, and playing with boundless zest, remind us…


666 and The Earth Beast

© 2012 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter November 2012 by Bruce Johnson Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation describes a beast of the earth that deceives earth’s inhabitants and forces them to receive his mark. The mark is caused to be placed on the right hand or forehead…


Author Visit – Ellen Hughes

HUMAN SOFTWARE with Ellen Hughes.   Sunday, October 7, 2012. 2 – 3pm. FREE PRESENTATION. The human body is like a computer. Performing regular maintenance using “human software” makes your body run better.  There are many techniques at your disposal.  Some are diagnostic.  Others work directly on chronic and acute issues.  Most techniques can be…


Ancient Mysteries and the Phoenix

© 2012 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter October 2012 by Bruce Johnson The Greek philosopher Herodotus describes the spectacular Phoenix or Firebird, in his historical writings. The body of the Phoenix was said to be covered in fiery purple feathers, with a tail of alternating red and blue feathers.…


Author Visit – Susan Dintino

AUTHOR VISIT AND BOOK SIGNING with Susan Dintino. Friday, September 14, 2012. 7 – 8:30pm. $5 admission, $5 off purchase of Susan’s book. In her engaging new book, SONGS OF MY LIFE…SLIGHTLY OUT OF TUNE, Susan Dintino shares stories of her life – enabling others to laugh at their own struggles and find new hope…


Channeling Kuthumi

© Sheryl Watson – reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter September 2012 by Sheryl Watson The One Who is called Kuthumi (pronounced Koot Hoomi) is a Member of that Group of Beings Who oversee and guide the evolutionary development of Humankind on Planet Earth. They are, of course, non-physical Foci of Consciousness and…
